What's this all about then?

One day I was heading up to work in the elevator and noted my feelings of happiness were descending when physically I was ascending.

It planted a seed; why not leave a note for in an elevator to lift someone's spirits as they flew up the floors? And why stop at elevators? Escalators, aeroplanes, airports, rollercoasters... leave a note to lift someone emotionally anywhere you get lifted physically.

You can email to let me know you've left one, or found one. Then pass on the love.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Keep trying - you are on the right track!

Drop number two. I did this one at work on the way to lunch. It was still there two hours later which made me a little sad.
But I have recieved some feedback!
My lovely colleague who inspired me to widen my view for this project was in the lift with another person who read the note. The other person said ‘that is so what I needed to hear right now’! She didn’t take the note though. My first thought is that that is a bad thing, but then I guess more people can see it and get lifted if its still there…

I guess if my aim is for people to take it then I could put something on there ala Toy Society (one of my muses I confess) like ‘take me’. Something to think about.

On another note, I’ve been using a frame that was originally created by Cathe Holden at Just something I made which is THE most inspiring site ever. I sent her a note the other day to see if it was ok to use it for my note drops and she said I could. So I might put it up on the site somehow so that you can do your own drop. You know you want to.

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